

Mike Barber practicing a green belt technique.

Michael Kelly striking the opponent with a right tsuki.


Inter-club ZDK workout held at the Kenshokan Dojo in Peterborough.


John Bayes at the Oshawa ZDK

Rylan McKeever working with Colleen Anderson

Jim Wilson reviewing shuto-uke with Mike Barber


Michael Kelly performs a jump kick, approx. 1962


Hakuin's "mu"


Kris Charbonneau performing a jump kick.


The Zendokan group during a special practice in 1997.


Mike Barber finishes a technique


Fuad Pidduck knocks over the opponent with empi-uchi.


Michael Kelly, September 1955

Glenn Anderson training a green belt.

Jim Wilson practicing a knife defense.


Fuad Pidduck striking the makiwara